Cogent Heritage
Independent heritage consultancy
Cogent Heritage provides sound, independent heritage consultancy and advice, covering all aspects of the historic built environment.
Cogent Heritage was founded by Ignus Froneman after nearly two decades as a private sector heritage consultant. Heritage consultancy services embrace the full spectrum, including confidential pre-acquisition advice and options appraisals, Heritage and Townscape Impact Assessments, peer reviews, engaging in the full planning process (including pre-applications, liaison with Historic England and other stakeholders, heritage chapters for Environmental Statements), as well as listing rebuttals, Conservation Plans and area appraisals. Ignus is an experienced expert witness who has worked with some of the UK’s leading planning barristers.
Cogent Heritage covers a wide variety of projects across the UK, ranging in scale from individual buildings (listed or in conservation areas), to urban extension work, regeneration and proposals for tall buildings. Ignus has an established working relationship with an experienced archaeologist and can offer seamless integration of archaeology and built heritage, where necessary. Archaeology can be incorporated in quotes, or dealt with separately, as required.
The approach to consultancy is personal and professional. Consultancy is based on an understanding that every project is different, and that outcomes matter. Where necessary, documentary research is undertaken by an independent architectural historian/heritage research consultant.